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    Koji je To Film?
    sonjeckaDate: Saturday, 2011-02-26, 1:25 AM | Message # 1
    Colonel general
    Group: Admin
    Messages: 8608
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    evo topic za neke filmove kojima smo zaboravili naslove,a zelimo ih opet gledat.

    Sjecam se da je bio nekakav (mislim) omnibus i da pocinje s pricom o covjeku koji bi kad ide spavat dok spava umirao od smijeha,a po danu je bio smrtno ozbiljan. Ponekad se toliko smijao da cijelo susjedstvo ne bi moglo spavat. Sve je onako bolesno cudno snimano, slicno nacinu snimanja brace Taviani, cak nisam sigurna,ali mi se cini da je film talijanski...ako znate koji je vicite biggrin

    sva djeca bez nadzora biti ce pojedena!
    sonjeckaDate: Sunday, 2011-06-05, 11:04 PM | Message # 2
    Colonel general
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    Messages: 8608
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    nije film,al jel netko zna ima li na ovom netu neka fotka hihotića?

    sva djeca bez nadzora biti ce pojedena!
    papatazDate: Sunday, 2011-06-05, 11:24 PM | Message # 3
    Group: Moderators
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    ima na crtacima, kad sam ja pitao sta je to biggrin ali ne znam sad da nadjem sliku...
    sonjeckaDate: Monday, 2011-06-06, 11:18 AM | Message # 4
    Colonel general
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    u biti najzabavnija je bila uvodna spica,al nema tog nigdje

    sva djeca bez nadzora biti ce pojedena!
    nonoDate: Monday, 2011-06-06, 12:14 PM | Message # 5
    Lieutenant general
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    10 petnaestminutnih epizoda. Serija ja namijenjena predškolcima i učenicima nižih razreda osnovne škole.
    Hihotići su mali veseli likovi koji, da bi prikazali kako su raznoliki, a zajedno sretni, u pjesmi kažu:
    Mi smo Hihotići
    U bojama svim!
    Ja sam crven,
    Ja sam zelen,
    A ja crn,
    On je dobar,
    On je nježan,
    On k'o trn!
    Kao djeca slobodni, oni svaki na svoj osobit način žive u djeci i ponekom odraslom.

    sonjeckaDate: Saturday, 2011-09-03, 1:31 AM | Message # 6
    Colonel general
    Group: Admin
    Messages: 8608
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    jedan australski art film,trazim vec godinama. Mislim da su tri price koje se spajaju u jednu. Nesto potpuno bolesno, pocinje s nekom curom od 16-17 godina koja oko stola ubija muhe,i sve zuji i vrucina i puno je muha. Onda pocne imati seksualne mastarije pa se naginje na kut od stola koji postavlja. Ispred kuce sjedi njen stari ,debeli ,masni oznojen u donjoj majici i stara mu koncem istiskuje pristeve na ledjima. Odjednom se radnja prebacuje na nekakve aboriđine i nekakva ogromna divovska jaja ili kamenja koja svijetle zeleno i sve je nesto preludo,al ne mogu to nigdje nac,vjerojatno neki nevazni art film kojeg je nasa tv davno otkupila jer je bio jeftin.

    sva djeca bez nadzora biti ce pojedena!
    papatazDate: Saturday, 2011-09-03, 12:55 PM | Message # 7
    Group: Moderators
    Messages: 991
    Reputation: 34
    Status: Offline
    OK, kopiracu svoj post na engleskom jer me mrzi da pisem ponovo happy

    Okay, here's four different things for you folks:

    1. First is a cartoon that seems to be done in "Beany and Cecil" style; mostly musical, with solid - colored backgrounds. It's about two twin sisters wearing hats and arguing which one is better than the other. I remember one of them stops breathing till she turns blue.

    2. A TV series about a boy who is some sort of royalty (?) but he's separated from his mother at a young age. All he has from her is a leather bracelet that is somehow a clue about his heritage. He works and lives on a sailboat, and there is a very "Treasure island" type of relationship between him and the captain. The show was dubbed "Cabin boy" over here. Saw it in the 80s.

    3. Another show from the 80s. I think it was on after "KIDS incorporated" (I'm in Europe, so that doesn't help much). It's about an art (?) school with a bearded, chubby teacher, and either him or the school are dealing with some hard times. The opening credits show him running to the left and right off the screen, and I believe that words "From the top, tumbling down" were in the intro.
    I remember an episode where the school is getting a supercomputer, and all the kids are imagining great thing they'll do with it. The computer arrives in a giant box, but it turns out it's filled with packing peanuts and all that's in the box is a keyboard (Commodore 64/ Amiga style).

    4. A movie about a guy who keeps trying to commit suicide, but always fails. Turns out he's a book character that somehow leaked into the real world. He finally dies once he finds the book's manuscript and burns it.*

    Any ideas?

    * Nije Stranger than fiction, stari je film.
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